By Shannon Fahey of Sterilite Corporation
Fall is such a beautiful time of year. The weather begins to cool down so you can bring out your sweaters, jeans and scarves again. The leaves start to change colors into beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows. And fall sports are in full swing!
If your kids play a fall sport than you know how exciting this time of year can be! However, you also know that it can be a bit stressful too. Whether it is soccer, football, field hockey or volleyball, there is always an activity after school - either a practice or a game. Therefore, you are probably spending a lot of time driving to and from the field. Remember that carpools are a lifesaver! Switch off with the other parents on who drops off and picks up.
As the kids get older, there becomes more and more practices and games. Especially if you have more than one kid playing sports. It is no longer just a practice during the week and a game on the weekend. This means there are more opportunities where your kids comes home and take off their cleats, shin guards and socks and leave them out to stink up the house! Soccer equipment smells more than you could ever imagine. It is just as bad as football and hockey equipment. You can smell those things from a mile away. However, what if you could find a way to combat the smell of soccer equipment this fall?! With a little help from Sterilite, now you can. The whole family will thank you!
Attention all soccer moms! (And any and all sports parents in general). Here is some firsthand advice on how to deal with your kids smelly equipment after a sporting event. As soon as the kids get in the door, it is important to tackle the problem right away. Once they take off all their equipment and you send them up for a shower, throw their socks and uniform straight in the wash. Otherwise, these too will stink up the house. If you are not doing laundry that day, let the clothes air out on the back deck or driveway for a bit before throwing them in the hamper. This will help alleviate the smell.
Now it is time to address the main source of the smell. Normally, you just put away their cleats and shin guards with the rest of the shoes in the mudroom. However, this does not solve the problem. The next time they go to soccer, their equipment still stinks and so does your entire mudroom. Well, Sterilite has the answer to your sports equipment dilemma - our line of Fresh Scent Boxes!
The next time the kids come home from a long day of sports, take advantage of Sterilite’s 15 Quart Fresh Scent Boxes. Set up one box or multiple boxes, depending on how many little athletes are in the house. You can even label the Fresh Scent Boxes with each child's name. Simply place a dryer sheet in the top ventilation compartment, and have your kids keep their cleats and shin guards in there when not in use. This way, you never have to scramble before a sporting event trying to find their equipment, and it will help eliminate the smell! What more could you want?!