By Cassie Beigel from Sterilite Corporation
It’s the end of December, all of the holiday festivities are ending and the New Year is right around the corner. Packing up my Christmas decorations is a task that I dread every year. Before I started using Sterilite items to store my Christmas decorations, I would just throw all my decorations in cardboard boxes and toss them in my very unorganized attic.
If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to be more organized, why not start a week early and take on two birds with one stone by putting away your holiday decorations organized and efficiently! This way, you’ll know exactly where to find your holiday decorations and can pull everything out to decorate next year hassle free.
The Sterilite Stack & Carry 2 Layer Ornament Box is the perfect item to pack away my ornaments for the year. I have a wide assortment of ornaments, even some that are handmade. My collection is always growing with different shapes and sizes of ornaments I put on my tree! Thankfully, this ornament box has customizable dividers so every one of my unique ornaments has a space to be kept safe between the years.
After the tree, I’ll tackle packing away the indoor decorations I have on display such as stockings, Christmas candles, nutcrackers, garland, and much more. I use the Sterilite 64 Quart Latching Box (in red) to store all of these decorations over the years. The festive red colored lid and clear base shows me exactly what items I have stored away in the box, letting me know that I won't need anything inside the box until it’s time to decorate again next year.
Every year I find myself buying several rolls of holiday wrapping paper of different designs and patterns to wrap gifts for my friends and family. I never end up using all of it and I’m left with an abundance of holiday wrapping paper that I never knew what to do with until I found the Sterilite 30 Inch Wrap Box. This has been a great solution for me to store my wrapping paper neatly and to protect it so that it’s ready to be used when I need it next year.
We all know that packing up the holiday decorations is not something anyone looks forward to, but with these holiday storage items it will make the process a little more manageable!